I believe open communication is vital for your child’s school success. Therefore, I welcome any questions, comments or concerns you may have.
I will be sending home a yellow communication folder with your child. This folder is meant to go home and come back to school everyday. In it you can find important papers, notes and your child’s work. This folder will help keep papers neat and organized for both of us. When your child comes to school, I will check their folder for any notes. Putting notes in the folder will ensure that I get them, as there is not enough time to search every backpack daily. I will also be sending home a newsletter approximately twice a month. In it you will find information about what your child is learning at school, field trips, homework assignments, opportunities to volunteer and important dates.
I will be sending home a yellow communication folder with your child. This folder is meant to go home and come back to school everyday. In it you can find important papers, notes and your child’s work. This folder will help keep papers neat and organized for both of us. When your child comes to school, I will check their folder for any notes. Putting notes in the folder will ensure that I get them, as there is not enough time to search every backpack daily. I will also be sending home a newsletter approximately twice a month. In it you will find information about what your child is learning at school, field trips, homework assignments, opportunities to volunteer and important dates.
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